Still Waters

"Pull over, kill the lights," Rose ordered.

Eliot looked over her shoulder for Cate's confirmation. "Do it, Eliot."

When the jeep stopped, Cate said, "We recon to find the girls and how many hired guns. Eliot, you set up to deliver the coup de grace. Ginger, you and Shadow will create the distraction. Rose, Hart - you're with me. We'll be trying to get those girls out right under their noses. We gotta work fast and be ready for a fight. In our favour, the bastard doesn't want to hurt the girls any more than we do. Everyone clear?"

"I should be part of the distraction," Rose said coolly.

"No. Your weapons are for close fighting. We have to assume that someone is going to try to stop us from taking those girls."

Rose's nod was reluctant.

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